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The Present Simple Tense

Simple Present

1. Use of the Simple Present

1.1. repeated actions

My friend often draws nice posters.

1.2. things in general

The sun rises in the east.

1.3. fixed arrangements, scheduled events

The plane flies to London every Monday.

1.4. sequence of actions in the present

First I get up, then I have breakfast.

1.5. instructions

Open your books at page 34.

1.6. with special verbs

understand English.

2. Signal words

  • always
  • often
  • usually
  • sometimes
  • seldom
  • never
  • Other phrases of time can occur, like:
    • every day
    • every week
    • every year
    • on Mondays
    • after school

3. Form

infinitive (3rd person singular he, she, itinfinitive + -s)

4. Examples

4.1. Affirmative sentences in the Simple Present

Long formsContracted forms
read books.not possible
You read books.
He reads books.

4.2. Negative sentences in the Simple Present

You must not negate a full verb in English. Always use the auxiliary do for negations and the infinitive of the verb.
Long formsContracted forms
do not clean the room.don't clean the room.
You do not clean the room.You don't clean the room.
He does not clean the room.He doesn't clean the room.

4.3. Questions in the Simple Present

You need the auxiliary do/does and the infinitive of the verb.
Long formsContracted forms
Do I play football?not possible
Do you play football?
Does he play football?

How to use special verbs in the Simple Present

1. be as a main verb

PronounsAffirmative sentenceNegative sentenceQuestion
Iam from not from Britain.Am I from Britain?
youYou are from Britain.You are not from Britain.Are you from Britain?
he, she, itHe is from Britain.He is not from Britain.Is he from Britain?
we, you, theyThey are from Britain.They are not from Britain.Are they from Britain?
We often use the short/contracted forms with this verb.

2. do as a main verb

PronounsAffirmative sentenceNegative sentenceQuestion
Ido not do exercises.Do I do exercises?
youYou do exercises.You do not do exercises.Do you do exercises?
he, she, itHe does exercises.He does not do exercises.Does he do exercises?
we, you, theyThey do exercises.They do not do exercises.Do they do exercises?

3. have as a main verb

PronounsAffirmative sentenceNegative sentenceQuestion
Ihave not have books.Do I have books?
youYou have books.You do not have books.Do you have books?
he, she, itHe has books.He does not have books.Does he have books?
we, you, theyThey have books.They do not have books.Do they have books?

4. Modals cancouldmaymustneedwill etc.

PronounsAffirmative sentenceNegative sentenceQuestion
I, he, she, it, we, you, theycan play tennis.cannot play tennis.Can I play tennis?
► We can substitute don't (can't) for do not (cannot).
Modals have the same form every time regardless the subject. We do not add an -s to the infinitive.

How do we form the Simple Present?

We use the infinitive of the verb. In the 3rd person singular (he, she, it - or a name) we put an -s to the end of the infinitive.
infinitive → 3rd person singular (he, she, it) infinitive + -s

1. Affirmative sentences in the Simple Present

  • play with a ball.
  • You play with a ball.
  • He plays with a ball.
  • She plays with a ball.
  • It plays with a ball.
  • We play with a ball.
  • You play with a ball.
  • They play with a ball.
► he, she, it → Do not forget the -s.

2. Negative sentences in the Simple Present

We use the auxiliary do/does.
  • do not play with a ball.
  • You do not play with a ball.
  • He does not play with a ball.
  • She does not play with a ball.
  • It does not play with a ball.
  • We do not play with a ball.
  • You do not play with a ball.
  • They do not play with a ball.

1. Questions without question words in Simple Present

(+ n't)

2. Questions with question words in Simple Present

Question wordAuxiliarySubjectVerbRestAnswer
Whatdoyouplayon your computer?I play games on my computer.
Whendoesyour mothergoto work?She goes to work at 6 o'clock.
Wheredoyoumeetyour friends?I meet them at the bus stop.

Read the questions & answers about ALAN and ask and answer about JUDITH.

Exercise 1

1. What does Alan do?a He’s twenty-five years old.
2. How old is Alan?b He drinks two cups of tea.
3. How many days a week does he work?c He eats an enormous breakfast.
4. What time does he get up?d Alan’s a lorry driver.
5. What does he eat for breakfast?e He gets up at six o’clock every day.
6. What does he drink?f He works five days a week.

Exercise 2

1. What does he drink?aIn the evening he goes to the pub.
2. What does he do after breakfast?bThen he kisses his wife.
3. What time does he leave for work?cHe comes home at five o’clock.
4. Where does he have lunch?d He drinks two cups of tea.
5. What time does he come home?eHe leaves for work at half past six.
6. Where does he go in the evening?fHe goes to bed at ten o’clock.
7. What time does he go to bed?g He has lunch in a transport café.

Ask Question about Judith. See above exercise.

1.What ? -Judith’s a secretary.
2.How ? -She’s twenty years old.
3.How many ? -She works six days a week.
4.What time ? -She gets up at six o’clock every day.
5.What ? -She eats an a little breakfast.
6.What ? -She drinks a cup of coffee.
8.What ? -she kisses her mother.
9.What time ? -She leaves for work at half past six.
10.Where ? -She has lunch in a restaurant.
11.What time ? -She comes home at five o’clock.
12.Where ? -In the evening she goes to the club.
13.What time ? -She goes to bed at ten o’clock.
This exercises have been made by: Mr.HAMDI AHMAD SULTAN

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