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Family and Friends 6 Unit: 9 "Survival"

Unit: 9   Survival

ملاحظه هامه: يفضل إستخدام جهاز كمبيوتر أو لاب توب و بالنسبة  للتابلت يفضل طريقة مسك التابلت بالعرض لمشاهدة مفيده و ممتعة. كما يفضل إستخدام متصفح جوجل كروم أحدث إصدار. و اتمنى لكم التوفيق
أ / حمدي أحمد سلطان
معلم اول أ ثانوي 
لغة إنجليزية 
مدرسة عمرو بن العاص الرسمية لغات - دمنهور

Lesson: one Story

1. Listen and read. Where is the treasure at the end of the story?

Lesson: two words

Listen and repeat:

Rope حبل
Penknife مطواه
first aid kit صندوق اسعافات أوليه
Needle and Thread أبرة و خيط
Matches أعواد كبريت
Fishing line صنارة
Whistle صفارة
Water bottle زجاجة ماء

Write the words:

penknife   ·  first aid kit   ·  matches   ·  fishing line   ·  water bottle   ·  needle and thread   ·  rope   ·  whistle  
Click and Drop click on a word or phrase in the box above and then on the appropriate gap.
1. You use a to catch fish.
2. You can climb up a .
3. You can drink from a .
4. You use to light a fire.
5. You blow a to make a sound.
6. You can use a to cut things.
7. You need a if you hurt yourself.
8. You can use a to make or fix clothes.
هذه الكلمات لها نفس الصوت عند النطق و لكنها تختلف من حيث المعنى و الكتابه
see verb يرى
sea noun بحر
buy verb يشتري
by prep بواسطة/بجوار
hear verb يسمع
here adverb هنا
meet verb يقابل
meat noun لحم
flour noun دقيق/طحين
flower noun زهرة
seen pp رؤي
scene noun مشهد

Write the words

meat   ·  seen   ·  here   ·  see   ·  buy   ·  meet   ·  sea   ·  hear   ·  by   ·  flower   ·  flour   ·  scene  
Click and Drop click on a word or phrase in the box above and then on the appropriate gap.
1. Can you my mobile phone? I can't find it.
2. We're going to the for our summer holiday.
3. I'm going to some new jeans today.
4. We live the sea.
5. Please come . I want to speak to you.
6. Listen! can you a noise?
7. My friend Jenny doesn't eat .
8. I woudn't like you to my friend, Tom.
9. You need eggs and to make a cake.
10. A rose is a beautiful, red .
11. Have you Max today?
12. It's my favourite in the film.

Lesson: Three  Grammar:1

Listen and read. what has professor invented?

Read and learn:

تستخدم حالة الشرط الثالثة للحديث عن أشياء أو مواقف مستحيلة الحدوث  لأنها في الماضي و لا يمكن تغيير ما حدث في الماضي
1. If I had studied, I would have passed the exam.
   I would have passed the exam if I had studied.

في المثال السابق المتكلم يتمنى شيئ مستحيل الحدوث أو يعبر عن الندم لأنه لم يذاكر و بالتالي لم يجتاز الإختبار. و لكن هل يستطيع تغيير الأمر؟ طبعا لا

Read and match

1. If they had listened to the teacher,
2. If you had got up earlier,
3. They wouldn't have got lost
4. If I hadn't forgotten my mobile phone,
5. I would have bought you a present
6. If you hadn't forgotten your jacket,
ayou wouldn't have been cold.
bif I had known it was your birthday.
cif they had taken a map.
dyou wouldn't have arrived late.
eI would have called you.
fthey would have understood the lesson.

Complete the sentences. Use the third conditional. Correct the verbs in brackets.

1.If we had played better, we (win) the match.
2.She (pass) the test if she had worked harder. Wouldn't have been tired all day if you (go) to bed earlier.
4.If the boys (not play) football today, they would have been bored.
5.I (not buy) this CD if I'd known it was so bad.
6.If you'd gone to the beach today, you (have) a good time.

Rewrite كيف نحل سؤال 

1. Sam didn't get up early. He was late for work.
الـجملتين السابقتين تعبران عن الموقف الحقيقي الذي حدث لـ "سام" في الماضي أنه لم يستسقظ مبكرا لذلك تأخر عن العمل
نريد الأن استخدام حالة الشرط الثالثة لنعبر عن الفرضية المستحيلة الحدوث أو الندم على عدم الاستيقاظ مبكرا
If Sam Had got up early, he wouldn't have been late for work.
نلاحظ استخدام الماضي التام المثبت في النصف الأول من الجملة و هو الإفتراض عكس ما حدث في الماضي
نلاحظ أيضا استخدام النفي في النصف الثاني من الجملة. هذا ما كان سيحدث لو أن "سام" استيقظ مبكرا
نشاهد الفيديو التالي

Rewrite the following sentences. Use "If..."

We didn't bring our umbrellas. We got wet.
Ahmed didn't study. He failed the test.
I rode the bike. I fell off.
I met him yesterday. I knew his name.
The TV was broken. They were bored.
Jenny practised hard. She won the race.
The firemen arrived. They put out the fire.

Lesson Four: Grammar 2

Listen and read. What is the information for?

Read and learn