be filled with = have a lot of the sae thing inside; be full of.
- This donut is filled with cream.
- The book was filled with pictures.
- A: Wow! This garden is filled with flowers.
- B: It's beautiful.

be fond of = get a lot of pleasure from; like; enjoy; love
- Romeo and Juliet were very fond of each other.
- My grandmother and grandfather are fond of me.
- A: Have you heard of Picasso?
- B: Yes, I am fond of his paintings.
be full of = have many things inside; be filled with; be packed with
- Her basket was full of apples.
- The vase is full of beautiful flowers.
- A: Why is your bag so heavy?
- B: It is full of books.
be good at = be skilled or talented at
- Mike is good at languages.
- Jane is good at sports.
- A: You are very good at basketball.
- B: Not really, but I have fun playing it.
be impressed by = feel admiration for; be moved by; be touched by
- She was impressed by his strength.
- I was impressed by the size of the house.
- A: Did you enjoy the art gallery?
- B: Yes, I did. I was impressed by all the beautiful paintings.
be in trouble = get into trouble; be in a difficult situation
- If you don't clean your room, you'll be in trouble.
- The student was in trouble for cheating on the test.
- A: Why are you in the teacher's office? Are you in trouble?
- B: Yes I am. I did not do my homework last night.
be interested in = be eager to; be attracted by; like
- I'm very interested in astronomy.
- When she was young, Josephine Baker was interested in dance.
- A: I'am interested in learning how to play tennis.
- B: I can help you. I have be playing for a few years.
be known for = be recognized by
- The tree is known for its delicious fruit.
- The girl was known for having long hair.
- A: Where is Joe? We've been waiting for 25 minutes.
- B: Well, he is known for being late.
be late for = arrive after the expected time
- The groom was late for the wedding.
- The boss was late for the meeting.
- A: Why are you driving so fast?
- B: I am going to be late for the concert.
be made of = consist of; be made up of; be composed of
- My pants are made of cotton.
- Jam is made of sugar and fruit.
- A: Is this bottle made of glass?
- B: No, I think it is made of plastic.
be over = come to the end; be finished; be done
- The meeting was over at 11 0'clock.
- When is the movie going to be over?
- A: What time will this class be over?
- B: It will finish at three 0'clock.
be pleased with = be satisfied with; be happy with; be delighted with
- I was pleased with the quick service.
- She was pleased with the new wallpaper.
- A: Wow! That is a nice picture you are painting!
- B: Thanks. I hope my art teacher will be pleased.
be proud of = feel pleased about; take pride in
- They were very proud of their son.
- I am proud of my country.
- A: I got an A on the test.
- B: I'm very proud of you!
be ready to = be prepared to
- She isn't ready to go yet.
- They were ready to go camping.
- A: Are you ready to go to school?
- B: No, I have to eat breakfast first.
be responsible for = have to take care of; be in charge of
- A shepherd is responsible for his sheep.
- The doctor is responsible for his patient.
- A: Are you responsible for your little sister today?
- B: Yes I am. If she' does anything bad, my parents will be angry at me!
be satisfied with = be happy with; be content with
- My father is satisfied with his new car.
- Miss Johnson is not satisfied with her job.
- A: Are you satisfied with your meal?
- B: Yes, it tastes very good.
be similar to = have many things in common with; be like; resemble
- A turtle is similar to a tortoise.
- A leopard is similar to a tiger.
- A: Look! Is that your mom's car?
- B: No, it's not. But it is similar to her car. It is the same size and color.
be supposed to = be expected to; be scheduled to
- The meeting is supposed to begin at 2 p.m.
- What time is the show supposed to start?
- A: Do you want to play soccer this afternoon?
- B: I do, but I can't, because I am supposed to meet my uncle at two O'clock.
be sure of = have no doubt about
- Willy was sure of his answer.
- She isn't sure of the time of the party.
- A: Are you sure Rita wants the green shirt?
- B: I am sure of it. Yesterday she told me she wanted it.
be surprised by (at) = be take aback by; express surprise at; be astonished at
- Mr. Scrooge was surprised by the ghost.
- Nancy Drew was surprised at the noise.
- A: I am surprised by Nick's kindness these days.
- B: Me too. Last year he was a very mean boy.
The Man Who Tried to Change Fate
A long time ago in England, there lived a very rich man who was known for his great skill at telling the future. He would have a lot of parties in his big house. At the par-ties, he would tell the future of his guests. The man was very proud of his skill because he was very good at it.2 The rich man had a baby boy. He was interested in knowing his son's fate. The father was not pleased with what he saw. His son was supposed to marry a verypoor girl who lived in a village near their home. The rich man was not satisfied with his son's future.
3 The man went to the village. The girl who his son was supposed to marry had been born only one month before. The family was worried about feeding the new baby. They already had many chil- dren. The rich man told the family, "I know a couple who can't have children. Give me your daughter. I will be responsible for her until the couple comes to get her."
4 Of course, the poor family was surprised by the rich man's offer, but they agreed. As he was going home, the rich man stopped by the river. He wanted to be sure that the girl would never marry his son. He put the baby girl in a bag that was made of leather and threw her in the river.
5 However, the bag was full of air, so it floated. A fisherman found the bag and took the baby home. His wife was fond of children, so they raised the girl as if she were their own daughter.
6 Many years later, the girl happened to meet the rich man's son. They fell in love and were ready to get married. The rich man noticed that she was similar to the girl he had thrown in the river. He went to visit the fisherman and heard the story. It was the same girl! However, he knew that he would be in trouble if he tried to kill the girl now.
7 He took the girl to the river. Then the man threw his ring into the river and said, "Bring that ring to my next party and then you can marry my son." The girl went away. Her eyes were filled with tears.
8 The girl wanted to cook some deli- dous food for the party. She hoped that the man would be impressed by her skill and change his mind. She bought the biggest fish in the market and took it home. When she cut the fish open, she found a ring inside. "It's the rich man's ring!" She shouted, "I' m sure of it!" She didn't want to be late for the party, so she dressed quickly and ran to the rich man's house.
9 Before the party was over, the girl went up to the rich man and gave him his ring back. Now she could marry his son. He finally realized that he could not change fate.
This work is based on the book "Illustrated Everyday Expressions with stories" - by Casey Malarcher
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