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Learning Vocabulary 1 Elementary

The Family

English Arabic English Arabic
son ابن aunt عمه / خاله
niece بنت الأخ / الأخت cousin ابن/بنت العم أو الخال
husband زوج daughter ابنه
wife زوجة uncle عم / خال
nephew ابن الأخ / الأخت parents الأبوين
brother أخ children أطفال
sister أخت

Look at the picture and then put the correct words in the sentences.

1.Bill is Vera's , so of course she is Bill's .
2.Bill and Vera have two , Ray and Kate.
3.Ray and Amy have a , Jill and a , Joe.
4.Joe is Jill's and Jill is Joe's sister.
5.Di and Don's are Kate and Bob.
6.Jill and Joe are Di and Don's .
7.Bob is Joe and Jill's . Kate is their .
8.Jill is the of Kate and Bob. Joe is their .

English Arabic English Arabic
grandson حفيد grandparents أجداد
granddaughter حفيدة son-in-law زوج الابنه
fathr-in-law حما/ والد الزوج أو الزوجة daughter-in-law زوجة الابن
grandchildren أحفاد grandmother جده
sister-in-law أخت الزوج أو الزوجة brother-in-law أخ الزوج أو الزوجة
grandfather جد mother-in-law حماة / أم الزوج أو الزوجة

Instructions as above.

1.Bill and Vera have four , Joe, Jill, Di and Don.
2.Bill and Vera are the of Joe, Jill, Di and Don.
3.Vera is Di's . Di is Vera's granddaughter.
4.Don is Bill's . Bill is Don's grandfather.
5.Amy isn't the daughter of Bill and Vera. She is their .
6.Bill is Amy's and Vera is her .
7.Kate isn't Amy's real sister. she's her .
8.Bob is Ray's and he's the of Bill and Vera.


English Arabic English Arabic
(aero)plane طائرة car سيارة
ship سفينة motor-bike (motor-cycle) دراجة بخارية
lorry شاحنة bus حافلة / باص
train قطار bike (bisycle) دراجة هوائية
helicopter طائرة هليكوبتر van عربة فان
boat قارب underground train مترو

Match each of the following words with the correct letter in the picture. Use lowercase in typing

motor-bike (motor-cycle)
underground train

Put the correct verbs from the following list in the passage below.
هذه الأفعال تستخدم مع وسائل المواصلات

take   ·  wait   ·  reaches   ·  arrives   ·  get(2)   ·  takes   ·  go   ·  pay  
Click and Drop click on a word or phrase in the box above and then on the appropriate gap.
1.I sometimes to school on foot, but usually I a bus because it's quicker by bus. I for the bus at the bus-stop. When it at the stop, I on and my fare. When the bus the school, I off. The journey about half an hour.

Use the correct word from the following list, or leave blank, in the sentences.
ضع الكلمات الآتية في الفراغات المناسبة . واحدة من الجمل لا تحتاج لكلمة

by   ·  on(2)   ·  off   ·  at(2)   ·  for   ·  to   ·    
Click and Drop click on a word or phrase in the box above and then on the appropriate gap.
1.Ann went school bus today, not foot.
2.She waited the bus the bus-stop.
3.When the bus arrived the bus-stop, she got .
4.Finally the bus reached the school bus-stop and Ann got .